JLM Diesel DPF Cleaning & Flush along with JLM Diesel Intake Extreme Clean & Flush are our flagship services.
DPF Clean and Flush
When a diesel particulate filter becomes clogged with deposits, replacing it can prove to be quite costly, with expenses ranging from $5000 to $8000 depending on the vehicle model. However, there is an alternative to replacing the filter entirely. Using JLM Cleaning & Flush fluid can effectively clean and restore the filter, saving both time and money.
Intake Clean and Flush
The JLM Diesel Intake Extreme Clean treatment. Cleaning the air intake, combustion chamber, valves, injectors and turbo vanes of dirty diesel engines is a challenging task, but JLM Diesel Intake Extreme Clean is a powerful solution that rigorously tackles pollution and dirt deposits.
Combo: DPF & Diesel Air Intake Clean & Flush
Premium: All services listed below
Plus: All services listed plus fuel & air filter replacement
1. Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) clean and flush which remove soot build up in the DPF. It also improves engine performance and reduces emissions. It increases fuel efficiency, extends the life of the filter and avoids costly repairs.
2. Diesel air intake clean and flush. Cleans the combustion chamber, valve, turbo vanes, EGR Valve and injectors
3. Diesel engine oil flush. Cleans accumulated deposits, carbon, soot, sludge, gum and varnish from the engine
4. Extreme Clean HD fuel system cleaner. Clean deposits from the complete fuel system including injectors (external and internal), valves and combustion chamber, boosts cetane number up to 5 points and lubricates the diesel fuel pump in case of low Sulphur fuel.
5. Comprehensive vehicle diagnostics.