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Air Intake Clean & Flush
Use coupon code ARNTKWEBRES when booking appointment online to receive a 10% discount.
2 hr2 hrLocation 1
500 US dollars
Service Description
Cleaning the air intake, combustion chamber, intake valves, gas valve, injectors and variable turbo vanes of a dirty diesel engine is not an easy task. This applies both to diesels with and without turbo. JLM Diesel Intake Extreme Clean is a unique and extremely efficient product, that does exactly what it should: Clean thoroughly. This product truly is one of a kind, because it is much more powerful than an additive that is merely added to the fuel tank. Which is why, JLM considers Diesel Intake Extreme Clean more as a treatment that rigorously tackles pollution and dirt deposits.
Cancellation Policy
If you cancel within 24hrs of your appointment you'll loose your deposit.
Contact Details
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